What is Linux?

Linux is a family of open-source Unix-like operating systems (OS) based on the Linux kernel. This kernel, first released in 1991 by Linus Torvalds, is the core software that manages the hardware and provides the foundation for other programs to run. Unlike proprietary operating systems like Windows or macOS, Linux is developed and maintained by a collaborative community of programmers around the world.

How does Linux Work?

At its core, Linux relies on the Linux kernel, a central program that manages hardware resources and communicates with other software. On top of the kernel resides a plethora of software components, including:

  • Distributions: Different collections of pre-configured software and tools tailored for specific purposes (e.g., Ubuntu for desktops, Red Hat for servers).
  • Desktop Environments: User interfaces like GNOME, KDE Plasma, and XFCE that provide the visual and interactive platform for applications.
  • Applications:  Just like on other OSes, Linux offers a vast range of applications for productivity, entertainment, development, and more.

Benefits of using Linux:

  • Cost-Effective: Free to use and modify, eliminating licensing fees associated with many proprietary OSes.
  • Secure: Less prone to malware and viruses, offering reliable performance for critical tasks.
  • Customizable: Tailor your computing experience to your specific needs and preferences.
  • Open-Source: Be part of a vibrant community and contribute to the ongoing development of the OS.
  • Scalable: Runs efficiently on everything from low-powered devices to powerful servers.

Who uses Linux?

Linux powers a vast array of devices and systems, including:

  • Servers: The majority of web servers worldwide run on Linux due to its stability, security, and scalability.
  • Supercomputers: Top-performing supercomputers often utilize Linux for its efficient resource management.
  • Embedded Systems: From routers and smart TVs to cars and industrial robots, Linux runs the software behind countless embedded devices.
  • Desktops: While Windows and macOS dominate the desktop market, Linux is gaining traction among developers, power users, and privacy-conscious individuals.

What can you learn about Linux here?

This is just a glimpse into the world of Linux. Here, you can delve deeper into various aspects of this versatile OS, including:

  • Exploring different Linux Distributions: Discover the variety of flavors available and find the perfect one for your needs.
  • Learning the basics of command-line usage: Master the powerful command-line interface for efficient system administration.
  • Installing and using applications: Discover the vast app ecosystem available for Linux and learn how to manage them.
  • Customizing your Linux experience: Fine-tune your desktop environment, applications, and settings to create a personalized workspace.
  • Contributing to the open-source community:Learn how to join the vibrant community of developers and contribute to the ongoing evolution of Linux.

We encourage you to explore the resources listed below for further learning and to leave any questions or comments you may have.


We hope this guide serves as a starting point for your journey into the exciting world of Linux!