DevOps - Lab 4: Chef basic commands of Recipes & Cookbooks
Chef basic commands of Recipes & Cookbooks
In Lab 4: Chef Basic Commands of Recipes & Cookbooks, participants typically delve into the essential commands and concepts related to creating and managing recipes and cookbooks in Chef. This lab focuses on hands-on experience with commands such as 'chef generate' to create new cookbooks and recipes, 'kitchen converge' to apply configurations to a test environment, and 'kitchen verify' to validate the applied configurations. Participants may also explore writing custom recipes, defining attributes, and structuring cookbooks effectively. The lab aims to deepen participants' understanding of Chef's core components, enabling them to author and manage configurations that define the desired state of their infrastructure. Successful completion of Lab 4 equips participants with the skills necessary to leverage Chef efficiently for automating and maintaining consistent configurations across their infrastructure.
Recipe 1
Step 1: To generate the Recipe
cd test-cookbook
chef generate recipe recipe1
cd ..
vi test-cookbook/recipes/recipe1.rb
(Press i)
package ‘finger’ do
action :install
file ‘/myfile2’ do
content “This is my second file”
action :create
owner ‘root’
group ‘root’
Step 2: To verify the recipe
chef exec ruby -c test-cookbook/recipe/recipe1.rb
Step 3: To apply that recipe locally
We run chef-client to apply recipe to bring node into desired state, we call this process as “Convergence”.
chef-client –zr “ recipe\[test-cookbook::recipe1\]”
Step 4: Verification
ls /
which finger
Recipe 2
Step 1: To generate the Recipe
cd test-cookbook
chef generate recipe recipe2
cd ..
vi test-cookbook/recipes/recipe2.rb
(Press i)
package ‘httpd’ do
action :install
file ‘/var/www/html/index.html’ do
content “Hello Dear Students!!!”
action :create
service ‘httpd’ do
action \[:enable, :start\]
(Press esc)
Step 2: To verify the recipe
chef exec ruby -c test-cookbook/recipe/recipe2.rb
Step 3: To apply that recipe locally
chef-client –zr “ recipe\[test-cookbook::recipe2\]”
Step 4: Verification
Paste Public IP in the Browser
Recipe 3
Step 1: To generate the Recipe
cd test-cookbook
chef generate recipe recipe3
cd ..
vi test-cookbook/recipes/recipe3.rb
(Press i)
package ‘httpd’ do
action :install
file ‘/var/www/html/index.html’ do
content “<h1>Hello Dear Students!!!</h1>
<img src=‘rst.png’>”
action :create
remote\_file ‘/var/www/html/rst.png’ do
source “”
service ‘httpd’ do
action \[:enable, :start\]
(Press esc)
Step 2: To verify the recipe
chef exec ruby -c test-cookbook/recipe/recipe3.rb
Step 3: To apply that recipe locally
chef-client –zr “ recipe\[test-cookbook::recipe3\]”
Step 4: Verification
Paste Public IP in the Browser
Recipe 4
We have a web application to be deployed into 1000 nodes & we need to know some details of each server. Because we need to mention that in configuration file of each node. This information is varied from system to system. These details we call “Attributes” Chef-client tool gathers these Attributes from ohai store and puts in configuration files, instead of hard coding these attributes, we mention as variables
Step 1: To generate the Recipe
cd test-cookbook
chef generate recipe recipe4
cd ..
vi test-cookbook/recipes/recipe4.rb
(Press i)
file ‘/robofile’ do
content “This is to get Attributes
HOSTNAME: #{node\[‘hostname’\]}
IPADDRESS: #{node\[‘ipaddress’\]}
CPU: #{node\[‘cpu’\]\[‘0’\]\[‘mhz’\]}
MEMORY: #{node\[‘memory’\]\[‘total’\]}”
owner ‘root’
group ‘root’
action :create
(Press esc)
Step 2: To verify the recipe
chef exec ruby -c test-cookbook/recipe/recipe3.rb
Step 3: To apply that recipe locally
chef-client –zr “ recipe\[test-cookbook::recipe3\]”
Step 4: Verification
ls /
cat /robofile
Recipe 5
To execute Linux commands
execute “run a script” do
command <<-EOH
mkdir /Panchanandir
touch /Panchananfile
Recipe 6
We can create users and groups
user “Ram” do
action :create
group “devops” do
action :create
members ‘Ram’
append true
Recipe 7
To deal with multiple resources at a time
\[‘httpd’,’mariadb-server’,’unzip’,’git’,’vim’\].each do |p|
package p do
action :install
\[‘Ram’,’Shyam’,’Ajay’,’Vijay’,’Rohan’,’Sohan’\].each do |q|
user q do
action :create