Knowledge Base

Cisco Network Convergence System (NCS)

What is Cisco NCS?

Cisco Network Convergence System (NCS) is a family of high-performance networking platforms designed to simplify and scale your network infrastructure. It offers a modular and adaptable architecture that can be tailored to meet the specific needs of service providers, enterprises, and government agencies.

How does Cisco Network Convergence System (NCS) work?

Cisco Network Convergence System (NCS) acts as the station master, overseeing the entire operation. As data arrives, NCS identifies each packet, prioritizing and choosing the optimal route based on its destination. It then seamlessly directs the packet to the right hardware platform within itself, just like trains are sent to the correct tracks. And just like traffic lights keep the station running smoothly, NCS handles security checks and traffic management to ensure everything flows safely and efficiently.

Benefits of using Cisco NCS:

  • Reduced Complexity: NCS simplifies your network infrastructure by consolidating multiple services onto a single platform.
  • Improved agility: You can quickly adapt your network to changing requirements with the flexible and modular design of NCS.
  • Enhanced performance and efficiency: NCS delivers high-speed performance and reduces power consumption, leading to a more efficient network.
  • Lower total cost of ownership (TCO): The scalability and energy efficiency of NCS can help you reduce your overall network costs.

Who uses Cisco NCS?

Cisco NCS is widely used by service providers, large enterprises, and government agencies to build high-performance and scalable networks. It is ideal for applications such as:

  • Data Center Networks: NCS provides high-density and low-latency solutions for data center environments.
  • Metro and WAN aggregation: NCS platforms efficiently aggregate traffic from various sources for efficient routing and distribution.
  • Mobile backhaul Networks: NCS supports high-bandwidth and low-latency requirements for mobile backhaul networks.
  • Cloud Deployments: NCS offers scalable and secure solutions for cloud deployments.

What will you learn here?

  • NCS Fundamentals: Dive into the core principles of Cisco Network Convergence System (NCS), including its series types, key features like high-density ports and scalability, and target applications like service provider networks and data centers.
  • NCS Configuration: Explore the various ways to configure NCS, from CLI commands and configuration files to automation tools and APIs.
  • NCS Modules and Services: Discover the diverse range of modules and services available for NCS, allowing you to customize your platform for specific needs like carrier ethernet, mobile backhaul, and wavelength division multiplexing.
  • NCS Management and Automation: Learn how to manage and automate your NCS deployment using tools like Cisco UCS Director and open APIs, simplifying operations and boosting efficiency.
  • NCS Security and Reliabilty: Understand the built-in security features and high-availability architecture of NCS, ensuring your network remains secure and resilient against threats and outages.

We encourage you to explore the resources listed below for further learning and to leave any questions or comments you may have.


We hope this provides a comprehensive overview of Cisco NCS!