Knowledge Base

Virtual Private Network (VPN)

What is a VPN?

Virtual Private Network (VPN) stands for a technology that creates a secure connection over the public internet. Imagine it as a private tunnel between your device and a remote server, where your data travels encrypted and hidden from prying eyes. This adds several layers of protection and privacy to your online activities.

How does a VPN work?

  • Connect to a VPN server: You install a VPN app on your device and choose a server from your provider's network.
  • Encapsulation: Your internet traffic is encrypted and wrapped into secure packets.
  • Tunneling: The encrypted packets travel through the internet via the VPN server as if they originated from there.
  • Decapsulation: The server decrypts the packets and sends them on their intended way to the websites or services you're using.

Benefits of using a VPN:

  • Enhanced Privacy: Your real IP address is masked by the VPN server's IP, making it harder for websites and online trackers to identify you.
  • Increased Security: Encryption protects your data from interception, even on public Wi-Fi networks. This is especially important for sensitive information like passwords and financial data.
  • Geo-blocking Bypass: You can access geo-restricted content by connecting to a server in a different location. This can be useful for streaming services, websites, or even bypassing censorship restrictions.
  • Improved Security for Public Wi-Fi: Public Wi-Fi networks are often unsecured, making them vulnerable to hacking. Using a VPN adds an extra layer of protection when using these networks.

Who uses VPNs?

  • Individuals: People who value online privacy and security, frequent travelers who use public Wi-Fi, or those who want to bypass geo-restrictions.
  • Businesses: Companies that need to secure their employees' remote access or protect sensitive data.
  • Governments: Government agencies that need to secure their communications or access blocked information.

What will you learn here?

This page will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of VPNs, including:

  • Types of VPNs: Learn about different VPN protocols like OpenVPN, PPTP, and L2TP/IPSec, and their strengths and weaknesses.
  • Configuration: Discover how to configure EIGRP on Cisco routers.
  • Choosing a VPN provider: Discover factors to consider when choosing a VPN provider, such as logging policies, server locations, and performance.
  • Setting up and using a VPN: Learn how to install and configure a VPN on different devices like computers, smartphones, and routers.
  • Troubleshooting common VPN issues: Understand common problems you might encounter with VPNs and how to fix them.
  • Advanced VPN features: Explore advanced functionalities like split tunneling and kill switches.

We encourage you to explore the resources listed below for further learning and to leave any questions or comments you may have.


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