Switching - DHCP Lab 1
DHCP Lab 1
In a Switching DHCP Lab 1 scenario, the focus is likely on configuring and testing DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) services within a switching environment. This lab may involve setting up a network with multiple switches and routers, where the switches play a role in connecting end-user devices and the routers are responsible for inter-VLAN routing. The DHCP server, which could be implemented on a router or a dedicated server, assigns IP addresses dynamically to devices in the network. The lab participants might configure DHCP relay agents on the switches to facilitate the communication between DHCP clients and the DHCP server. Additionally, VLAN configurations on the switches may be involved to segment the network. The lab aims to provide hands-on experience in configuring DHCP services in a switching environment, ensuring that devices connected to different VLANs receive appropriate IP addresses dynamically, thereby optimizing network management and simplifying IP address assignments.
Lab 1: Configure DHCP
DHCP Topology
Disclaimer This Configuration Guide is designed to assist members to enhance their skills in particular technology area. While every effort has been made to ensure that all material is as complete and accurate as possible, the eŶĐlosed ŵaterial is preseŶted oŶ aŶ ͞as is͟ ďasis. Neither the authors Ŷor Foruŵ assuŵe aŶy liaďility or responsibility to any person or entity with respect to loss or damages incurred from the information contained in this guide. This configuration guide was developed by Forum. Any similarities between material presented in this configuration guide and any other material is completely coincidental.
Cisco IOS Software, Linux Software (I86BI_LINUX-ADVENTERPRISEK9-M), Version 15.2(4)M1, DEVELOPMENT TEST SOFTWARE
Task 1: Configure IPv4 DHCP
Step 1: In the configuration mode of router configure IPv4 DHCP by following command:
Multilayer Switch 1
interface fastethernet 0/1
switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport mode trunk
vlan 100, 200
interface vlan 100
ip address
interface vlan 200
ip address
ip dhcp pool VLAN0100
ip dhcp pool VLAN0200
Switch 1
interface fastethernet 0/1
switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport mode trunk
interface fastethernet 0/2
switchport access vlan 100
switchport mode access
interface fastethernet 0/3
switchport access vlan 200
switchport mode access
Configure the HOST to obtain IP from DHCP.