Lab 4: SD-WAN Feature Template - Service Side

SD-WAN Feature Template - Service Side

In Lab 4: SD-WAN Feature Template - Service Side, participants typically focus on configuring and optimizing SD-WAN features related to the service side of the network. This lab involves the application of feature templates to streamline the deployment of services, ensuring consistent and scalable configurations across multiple SD-WAN devices. Participants may work on defining and customizing service-side parameters, such as Quality of Service (QoS) policies, firewall settings, and application-aware routing policies. By leveraging feature templates, participants can efficiently apply and manage these configurations, enhancing the overall performance and security of the SD-WAN network. Successful completion of Lab 4 equips participants with the skills to implement and tailor service-side features in the SD-WAN environment, contributing to a more optimized and resilient network infrastructure.