OpenStack - Lab 3: Managing Virtual Compute on OpenStack with Nova using Horizon dashboard

Managing Virtual Compute on OpenStack with Nova using Horizon dashboard

In Lab 3: Managing Virtual Compute on OpenStack with Nova using the Horizon dashboard, participants typically focus on orchestrating virtual compute resources within their OpenStack environment. This lab involves leveraging the Horizon dashboard to work with Nova, the OpenStack compute service. Participants can perform tasks such as launching, pausing, resuming, and terminating virtual instances, as well as configuring instance flavors and managing associated volumes. The lab aims to provide hands-on experience in utilizing the graphical interface for efficient virtual machine management, allowing participants to gain proficiency in Nova's capabilities. Successful completion of Lab 3 equips participants with the skills to navigate the Horizon dashboard and effectively manage virtual compute resources, enabling them to deploy and control instances in their OpenStack cloud infrastructure.


Create virtual instances on Openstack using Nova compute

Create a Linux instance on Nova via Horizon dashboard

Step 1. Click on "Project".

Step 2. Click on "Compute".

Step 3. Click on "Instances".

Step 4. Click on "Launch Instance".

Step 5. Configure "Instance Name", "Description" and click on "Source".

Step 6. Select desired QCOW2 image to deploy and click on "Flavors".

Step 7. Select desired flavor for instance and click on "Networks".

Step 8. Put the instance in a desired private or public network and Launch.