Full Stack Daily Evening Feb 2023

Full Stack Daily Evening Feb 2023

Scratchpad #3

// let age = 13;

// if (age > 18) {
// 	console.log(age);
// }

// let num = 23;

// if (num % 2 === 0) {
// 	console.log('EVEN');
// }

// if (num % 2 !== 0) {
// 	console.log('ODD');
// }

// let age = 24;

// if (age > 65) {
// 	console.log('Drinks are free');
// } else if (age >= 21) {
// 	console.log('You can enter and you can drink');
// } else if (age >= 18) {
// 	console.log('You can enter but you cannot drink');
// } else {
// 	console.log('Not allowed. You cannot enter.');
// }

// let password = 'helloworld@123';

// if (password.length > 6) {
// 	if (password.indexOf(' ') !== -1) {
// 		console.log('Password cannot contain spaces');
// 	} else {
// 		console.log('Valid password');
// 	}
// } else {
// 	console.log('Invalid password');
// }

// let loggedInUser = 'john';

// if (loggedInUser) {
// 	console.log('Welcome to your dashboard');
// } else {
// 	console.log('Please login to see this');
// }

// let age = 24;

// if (age >= 18 && age < 21) {
// 	console.log('You can enter but you cannot drink');
// } else if (age >= 21 && age < 65) {
// 	console.log('You can enter and you can drink');
// } else if (age >= 65) {
// 	console.log('Drinks are free');
// } else {
// 	console.log('Not allowed. You cannot enter.');
// }

// let day = 1;

// switch (day) {
// 	case 1:
// 		console.log('Monday');
// 		break;
// 	case 2:
// 		console.log('Tuesday');
// 		break;
// 	case 3:
// 		console.log('Wednesday');
// 		break;
// 	case 4:
// 		console.log('Thursday');
// 		break;
// 	case 5:
// 		console.log('Friday');
// 		break;
// 	case 6:
// 		console.log('Saturday');
// 		break;
// 	case 7:
// 		console.log('Sunday');
// 		break;
// 	default:
// 		console.log('Invalid day code');
// }

// let age = 100;

// age > 18 ? console.log('You are allowed') : console.log('Not allowed');

// if (age > 18) {
// 	console.log('You are allowed');
// } else {
// 	console.log('Not allowed');
// }

let currStatus = 'online';

let color =
	currStatus === 'online'
		? 'green'
		: currStatus === 'offline'
		? 'red'
		: 'yellow';

// let color;

// if (currStatus === 'online') {
// 	color = 'green';
// } else if (currStatus === 'offline') {
// 	color = 'red';
// } else {
// 	color = 'yellow';
// }


Scratchpad #4

// // // const product1 = ['iPhone', 'Apple', 'Some desc....', 150000, 100, true];

// // // const products = [
// // // 	['iPhone', 'Apple', 'Some desc....', 150000, 100, true],
// // // 	['One Plus Nord', 'One Plus', 'Some desc....', 150000, 100, true],
// // // 	['Galaxy s10000', 'Samsung', 'Some desc....', 150000, 100, true],
// // // 	['Apple Watch', 'Apple', 'Some desc....', 100, 100000, true],
// // // ];

// // // const product1 = ['iPhone', 'Apple', 'Some desc....', 150000, 100, true];

// // const product2 = {
// // 	price: 150000,
// // 	brand: 'Apple',
// // 	description: 'Some desc....',
// // 	name: 'iPhone',
// // 	inStock: 100,
// // 	discounted: true,
// // 	100: 'hello',
// // 	'hello world': 100,
// // };

// // console.log(product2.inStock);
// // console.log(product2[100]);
// // console.log(product2['hello world']);

// // // const product1 = ['iPhone', 'Apple', 'Some desc....', 150000, 100, true];

// // const product1 = {
// // 	0: 'iPhone',
// // 	1: 'Apple',
// // 	2: 'Some desc...',
// // 	3: 150000,
// // 	4: 100,
// // 	5: true,
// // 	length: 6,
// // };

// // let firstName = 'John';

// // let firstName = {0: 'J', 1: 'o', 2: 'h', 3: 'n', length: 4}

// const song1 = {
// 	name: 'Some name #1',
// 	artist: ['John', 'Jane'],
// 	trackLength: 3.2,
// 	album: 'Some Album',
// };

// const playlist = [
// 	{
// 		name: 'Some name #1',
// 		artist: ['John', 'Jane'],
// 		trackLength: 3.2,
// 		album: 'Some Album',
// 	},
// 	{
// 		name: 'Some name #1',
// 		artist: ['John', 'Jane'],
// 		trackLength: 3.2,
// 		album: 'Some Album',
// 	},
// ];

const pallette = {
	red: '#eb4d4b',
	yellow: '#f9ca24',
	blue: '#30336b',

let color = 'yellow';


Scratchpad #5

// for (let i = 0; i < 100; i += 10) {
// 	console.log(i);
// 	console.log('Hello World');
// }

// console.log('LOOP ENDS');

// for (let num = 1; num <= 10; num++) {
// 	console.log(`${num}*${num}=${num * num}`);
// }

// for (let i = 50; i >= 0; i += 5) {
// 	console.log(i);
// }

// const nums = [12, 34, 56, 34, 78, 54, 23, 12];

// let total = 0;

// for (let i = 0; i < nums.length; i++) {
// 	total += nums[i];
// }

// console.log(total);

// const movies = [
// 	{ movieName: 'Inception', rating: 3.8 },
// 	{ movieName: 'Avengers', rating: 3.4 },
// 	{ movieName: 'Iron Man', rating: 2.9 },
// ];

// for (let i = 0; i < movies.length; i++) {
// 	const movie = movies[i];
// 	console.log(`${movie.movieName} has a rating of ${movie.rating}`);
// }

// const word = 'Hello World';

// // for (let i = 0; i < word.length; i++) {
// // 	console.log(word[i]);
// // }

// let reversedWord = '';

// for (let i = word.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
// 	reversedWord += word[i];
// }

// console.log(reversedWord);

// for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
// 	console.log(i);
// 	for (let j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
// 		console.log('     ' + j);
// 		for (let k = 0; k < 5; k++) {
// 			console.log('          ' + k);
// 		}
// 	}
// }

// const gameBoard = [
// 	[4, 64, 8, 4],
// 	[128, 32, 4, 16],
// 	[16, 4, 4, 32],
// 	[2, 16, 16, 2],
// ];

// let total = 0;

// for (let i = 0; i < gameBoard.length; i++) {
// 	for (let j = 0; j < gameBoard[i].length; j++) {
// 		total += gameBoard[i][j];
// 	}
// }

// console.log(total);

// for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
// 	console.log(i);
// }

// let j = 0;

// while (j < 10) {
// 	console.log(j);
// 	j++;
// }

// const target = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10) + 1;
// let guess = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10) + 1;

// while (guess !== target) {
// 	break;
// 	// if (guess === 3) {
// 	// 	console.log("3 is an unlucky number. I'm stopping.");
// 	// 	break;
// 	// }
// 	console.log(`Guess: ${guess} | Target: ${target}`);
// 	guess = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10) + 1;
// }

// console.log(`Final Result\nGuess: ${guess} | Target: ${target}`);

// const target = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10) + 1;
// let guess = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10) + 1;

// while (true) {
// 	if (guess === target) {
// 		break;
// 	}
// 	console.log(`Guess: ${guess} | Target: ${target}`);
// 	guess = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10) + 1;
// }

// console.log(`Final Result\nGuess: ${guess} | Target: ${target}`);

const nums = [12, 34, 56, 34, 78, 54, 23, 12];

// for (let i = 0; i < nums.length; i++) {
// 	console.log(nums[i]);
// }

// for (let num of nums) {
// 	console.log(num);
// }

// for (let char of 'hello world') {
// 	console.log(char);
// }

// const matrix = [
// 	[1, 4, 7],
// 	[9, 7, 2],
// 	[9, 4, 6],
// ];

// for (let row of matrix) {
// 	for (let col of row) {
// 		console.log(col);
// 	}
// }

// const cats = ['fashion', 'mobiles', 'books'];
// const prods = ['tshirt', 'samsung', '1984'];

// for (let i = 0; i < cats.length; i++) {
// 	console.log(cats[i], prods[i]);
// }

const productPrices = {
	Apple: 80000,
	OnePlus: 50000,
	Samsung: 90000,

// console.log(Object.keys(productPrices));
// console.log(Object.values(productPrices));

// for (let key of Object.keys(productPrices)) {
// 	console.log(key, productPrices[key]);
// }

for (let key in productPrices) {
	console.log(key, productPrices[key]);

Scratchpad #6

// function greet() {
// 	console.log('Hello World');
// 	console.log('I am a machine');
// }

// greet();
// greet();
// greet();
// greet();

// for (let i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
// 	greet();
// }

// function rollDie() {
// 	const num = Math.floor(Math.random() * 6) + 1;
// 	console.log(num);
// }

// function throwDice() {
// 	rollDie();
// 	rollDie();
// 	rollDie();
// }

// throwDice();

// function greet(person, message) {
// 	// parameter <- variable
// 	console.log(`${message} ${person}`);
// }

// greet('John', 'Hello');
// greet('Jane', 'Hi');

// function add(a, b) {
// 	console.log(a + b);
// }

// add(10, 1000);

// function rollDie() {
// 	const num = Math.floor(Math.random() * 6) + 1;
// 	console.log(num);
// }

// function throwDice(times) {
// 	for (let i = 0; i < times; i++) {
// 		rollDie();
// 	}
// }

// throwDice(2);

// console.log('hello'.toUpperCase());

// function greet(person, message) {
// 	return `${message} ${person}`;
// }

// console.log(greet('John', 'Hello'));

// function checkIfNumber(value) {
// 	if (typeof value !== 'number') {
// 		return false;
// 	} else {
// 		return true;
// 	}
// }

// console.log(checkIfNumber(100));

// function hello() {
// 	let fullName = 'John Smith';
// 	console.log(fullName);
// }

// hello();

// console.log(fullName);

// let fullName = 'John Doe';

// if (true) {
// 	let fullName = 'Jane Doe';
// 	console.log(fullName);
// }

// console.log(fullName);

// for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
// 	console.log(i);
// }

// console.log(i);

// function hello() {
// 	var world = 'World';
// 	console.log(world);
// }

// hello();

// console.log(world);

Scratchpad #7

// var hello;

// // // function outer() {
// // // 	// let movie = 'Avengers';

// // // 	function inner() {
// // // 		let movie = 'Iron man';
// // // 		console.log(movie);
// // // 	}

// // // 	console.log(movie);

// // // 	inner();
// // // }

// // // outer();

// // let total = 0;

// // function test(total, num) {
// // 	total += num;
// // 	return total;
// // }

// // test(total, 2);
// // test(total, 2);
// // test(total, 2);

// // function greet() {
// // 	console.log('Hello World');
// // }

// // const hello = greet;

// // let world = 100;

// // hello();

// // const greet = function () {
// // 	console.log('Hello World');
// // };

// // function math(a, b, fn) {
// // 	return fn(a, b);
// // }

// // function add(a, b) {
// // 	return a + b;
// // }

// // function sub(a, b) {
// // 	return a - b;
// // }

// // console.log(
// // 	math(10, 5, function (a, b) {
// // 		return a * b;
// // 	})
// // );

// // const math = [
// // 	function (a, b) {
// // 		return a + b;
// // 	},
// // 	function (a, b) {
// // 		return a - b;
// // 	},
// // 	function (a, b) {
// // 		return a * b;
// // 	},
// // 	function (a, b) {
// // 		return a / b;
// // 	},
// // ];

// // console.log(math[2](10, 4));

// // const math = {
// // 	add: function (a, b) {
// // 		return a + b;
// // 	},
// // 	sub: function (a, b) {
// // 		return a - b;
// // 	},
// // 	mul: function (a, b) {
// // 		return a * b;
// // 	},
// // 	div: function (a, b) {
// // 		return a / b;
// // 	},
// // };

// // console.log(math.add(10, 5));

// function math(a, b, fn) {
// 	return fn(a, b);
// }

// function repeat(func, num) {
// 	for (let i = 0; i < num; i++) {
// 		func();
// 	}
// }

// function sayHello() {
// 	console.log('Hello World!');
// }
// function sayGoodbye() {
// 	console.log('Bye World!');
// }

// repeat(sayHello, 10);
// repeat(sayGoodbye, 5);

// function randomPick(f1, f2) {
// 	let randNum = Math.random();
// 	if (randNum < 0.5) {
// 		f1();
// 	} else {
// 		f2();
// 	}
// }

// randomPick(sayHello, sayGoodbye);

// function raiseBy(num) {
// 	return function (x) {
// 		return num ** x;
// 	};
// }

// const square = raiseBy(2);
// const cube = raiseBy(3);
// const hypercube = raiseBy(4);

// console.log(square(5));
// console.log(cube(5));
// console.log(hypercube2(5));

// function isBetween(x, y) {
// 	return function (num) {
// 		return num >= x && num <= y;
// 	};
// }

// const isUnderAge = isBetween(0, 18);
// const canEnterButNotDrink = isBetween(18, 21);
// const canDrink = isBetween(21, 65);
// const isSenior = isBetween(65, 100);

// console.log(isUnderAge(5));
// console.log(canEnterButNotDrink(20));
// console.log(canDrink(30));
// console.log(isSenior(70));

// function math(a, b, fn) {
// 	return fn(a, b);
// }

// function add(a, b) {
// 	return a + b;
// }

// console.log(math(10, 45, add));

// setTimeout(function () {
// 	console.log('Hello World');
// }, 3000);

// setInterval(function () {
// 	console.log('Hello World');
// }, 3000);

// add(10, 5);

// // --------------FUNCTIONS----------------

// function add(a, b) {
// 	console.log(a + b);
// }

// let hello = 'world';
// console.log(hello);

let arr = [
		[1, 2, 3],
		[1, 2, 3],
		[1, 2, 5],
		[1, 2, 3],
		[1, 2, 3],
		[1, 2, 3],
		[1, 2, 3],
		[1, 2, 3],
		[1, 2, 3],

// for loop
// while loop
// for..of

// capitalize(sentence)
// capitalize("hello world, this is some text.")
// "Hello World, This Is Some Text."

// reverseStr(str)
// reverseStr("hello")
// "olleh"

// findNegatives(arr)
// findNegatives([1,123,4,-234,-12,-1,2,23])
// [-234, -12, -1]

Scratchpad #8

// // // // // // // function math(a, b, func) {
// // // // // // // 	return func(a, b);
// // // // // // // }

// // // // // // // console.log(
// // // // // // // 	math(10, 5, function (a, b) {
// // // // // // // 		return a + b;
// // // // // // // 	})
// // // // // // // );

// // // // // // const arr1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 56, 76, 22, 2223, 435, 4523];

// // // // // // // for (let num of arr1) {
// // // // // // // 	console.log(num);
// // // // // // // }

// // // // // // arr1.forEach(function (num) {
// // // // // // 	if (num % 2 == 0) {
// // // // // // 		console.log(num);
// // // // // // 	}
// // // // // // });

// // // // // const movies = [
// // // // // 	{
// // // // // 		title: 'Avengers',
// // // // // 		rating: 4.1,
// // // // // 	},
// // // // // 	{
// // // // // 		title: 'Dr. Strange',
// // // // // 		rating: 3.9,
// // // // // 	},
// // // // // 	{
// // // // // 		title: 'Tenet',
// // // // // 		rating: 4.3,
// // // // // 	},
// // // // // 	{
// // // // // 		title: 'Joker',
// // // // // 		rating: 4.7,
// // // // // 	},
// // // // // ];

// // // // // movies.forEach(function (movie, i) {
// // // // // 	console.log(`${i} - ${movie.title} has a rating for ${movie.rating}`);
// // // // // });

// // // // // const names = ['john', 'jack', 'jane', 'james'];

// // // // // const uppercasedNames = names.map(function (name) {
// // // // // 	return name.toUpperCase();
// // // // // });

// // // // // const uppercasedNames = [];

// // // // // for (let name of names) {
// // // // // 	uppercasedNames.push(name.toUpperCase());
// // // // // }

// // // // // console.log(uppercasedNames);

// // // // const nums = [2, 3, 4, 7, 6, 8, 13, 10, 19, 12, 14, 22, 21, 16];

// // // // // const doubles = nums.map(function (num) {
// // // // // 	return num * 2;
// // // // // });

// // // // // console.log(doubles);

// // // // const numDetails = nums.map(function (num) {
// // // // 	return {
// // // // 		number: num,
// // // // 		isEven: num % 2 === 0,
// // // // 	};
// // // // });

// // // // console.log(numDetails);

// // // // function add(a, b) {
// // // // 	return a + b;
// // // // }

// // // // const add2 = function (a, b) {
// // // // 	return a + b;
// // // // };

// // // // const add3 = (a, b) => {
// // // // 	return a + b;
// // // // };

// // // // console.log(add3(10, 5));

// // // // const greet = person => {
// // // // 	return `hello ${person}`
// // // // };

// // // // console.log(greet("john"));

// // // const nums = [2, 3, 4, 7, 6, 8, 13, 10, 19, 12, 14, 22, 21, 16];

// // // const doubles = nums.map(n => n * 2);

// // // console.log(doubles);

// // // const nums = [1,2,3,4,5,6]

// // // // using regular function expressions
// // // const doubles1 = nums.map(function (n) {
// // //   return n * 2
// // // })

// // // // using arrow functions
// // // const doubles2 = nums.map(n => {
// // //   return n * 2
// // // })

// // // // using arrow function's one-liner implicit return
// // // const doubles3 = nums.map(n => n * 2)
// // // const parityList = nums.map(n => n % 2 === 0 ? 'Even' : 'Odd')

// // let movies = ['The Terminator', 'The Avengers', 'Jurassic Park', 'Titanic'];

// // // let result = movies.find((movie) => {
// // // 	return movie.includes('park');
// // // });

// // // console.log(result);

// // let result = movies.find((movie) => movie[0] === 'J');
// // console.log(result);

// const books = [
// 	{
// 		title: 'The Shining',
// 		author: 'Stephen King',
// 		rating: 4.1,
// 	},
// 	{
// 		title: 'Sacred Games',
// 		author: 'Vikram Chandra',
// 		rating: 4.5,
// 	},
// 	{
// 		title: '1984',
// 		author: 'George Orwell',
// 		rating: 4.9,
// 	},
// 	{
// 		title: 'The Alchemist',
// 		author: 'Paulo Coelho',
// 		rating: 3.5,
// 	},
// 	{
// 		title: 'The Great Gatsby',
// 		author: 'F. Scott Fitzgerald',
// 		rating: 3.8,
// 	},
// ];

// // const goodBook = books.find(b => b.rating >= 4.3)

// // const georgeBook = books.find(b => (
// //   b.author.includes('George')
// // ))

// // const lowRated = books.find(book => {
// //   return book.rating < 4
// // })

// // console.log(goodBook)
// // console.log(georgeBook)

// // let result = books.filter((book) => book.rating > 3.5);
// // console.log(result);

// // const goodBook = books.filter((b) => b.rating >= 4.3);

// // const georgeBooks = books.filter((b) => b.author.includes('George'));

// // const lowRated = books.filter((book) => {
// // 	return book.rating < 4;
// // });

// // let query = 'the';
// // const filteredBooks = books.filter((book) => {
// // 	const title = book.title.toLowerCase();
// // 	return title.includes(query);
// // });

// // console.log(goodBook);
// // console.log(georgeBooks);
// // console.log(lowRated);
// // console.log(filteredBooks);

// const names = ['jack', 'james', 'john', 'jane', 'josh', 'jrad'];

// const result = names.every((name) => name[0] === 'j');
// console.log(result);

// const bestBooks = books.every((book) => book.rating >= 4);

// const notAuthor = books.every(
// 	(book) => book.author.toLowerCase() !== 'chetan bhagat'
// );

// console.log(bestBooks);
// console.log(notAuthor);

// const names = ['jack', 'james', 'john', 'jane', 'josh', 'jrad'];

// const result = names.some((name) => name[0] === 'b');
// console.log(result);

// const prices = [500.4, 211, 23, 5, 4, 22.2, -23.2, 9233];

// prices.sort((a, b) => b - a);
// console.log(prices);

const books = [
		title: 'The Shining',
		author: 'Stephen King',
		rating: 4.1,
		title: 'Sacred Games',
		author: 'Vikram Chandra',
		rating: 4.5,
		title: '1984',
		author: 'George Orwell',
		rating: 4.9,
		title: 'The Alchemist',
		author: 'Paulo Coelho',
		rating: 3.5,
		title: 'The Great Gatsby',
		author: 'F. Scott Fitzgerald',
		rating: 3.8,

books.sort((a, b) => a.rating - b.rating);

Scratchpad #9

// const arr1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];

// const result = arr1.reduce((acc, currVal) => acc * currVal);
// console.log(result);

// let nums = [21, 221, 2, 1, 34, 123, 4342, 56, 4];

// const maxVal = nums.reduce((acc, currVal) => {
// 	if (currVal > acc) {
// 		return currVal;
// 	}
// 	return acc;
// });

// console.log(maxVal);

// const arr1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];

// const result = arr1.reduce((acc, currVal) => acc + currVal, 100);
// console.log(result);

// function add(a = 0, b = 0) {
// 	return a + b;
// }

// console.log(add(10));

// const arr1 = [1000, 213, 214, 5, 6, 72, 3];
// console.log(Math.max(...arr1));

// function hello(a, b, c) {
// 	console.log(a);
// 	console.log(b);
// 	console.log(c);
// }

// const names = ['John', 'Jane', 'Jack', 'Hello'];
// hello(...names);

// function add(a, b, ...nums) {
// 	console.log(a);
// 	console.log(b);
// 	console.log(nums);
// }

// add(10, 4, 5, 100, 321);

// const users = ['john', 'jane', 'jack'];

// // const admin = users[0];
// // const mod = users[1];
// // const user = users[2];

// const [admin, ...u] = users;

// console.log(admin, u);

// const user = {
// 	firstName: 'John',
// 	lastName: 'Doe',
// 	email: 'john.doe@gmail.com',
// 	phone: 99982234567,
// };

// const { firstName, ...others } = user;
// console.log(firstName, others);

function profile({ firstName, lastName, age }) {
		`Hello, my name is ${firstName} ${lastName} and I am ${age} years old`

profile({ firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Doe', age: 20 });

Scratchpad #10

// const movieReviews = [4.5, 5.0, 3.2, 2.1, 4.7, 3.8, 3.1, 3.9, 4.4];
// const highest = Math.max(...movieReviews);
// const lowest = Math.min(...movieReviews);

// let total = 0;
// movieReviews.forEach((rating) => (total += rating));
// const average = total / movieReviews.length;

// const info = {
// 	highest,
// 	lowest,
// 	hello2: 'jnkasbndhjkasd',
// 	average,
// 	hello: 'world',
// };
// console.log(info);

// const getReviewDetails = (arr) => {
// 	const highest = Math.max(...arr);
// 	const lowest = Math.min(...arr);
// 	const total = arr.reduce((accumulator, nextVal) => accumulator + nextVal);
// 	const average = total / arr.length;

// 	return {
// 		highest,
// 		lowest,
// 		total,
// 		average,
// 	};
// };

// const reviewList = [4.5, 5.0, 3.2, 2.1, 4.7, 3.8, 3.1, 3.9, 4.4];

// const statistics = getReviewDetails(reviewList);

// const username = 'janedoe';
// const role = 'admin';

// const user1 = { [role.toUpperCase()]: username };
// console.log(user1);

// const addProperty = (obj, k, v) => {
// 	return { ...obj, [k]: v };
// };

// console.log(addProperty({ name: 'John' }, 'age', 20)); // {name: 'John', k: 20}

// const math = {
// 	add(a, b) {
// 		return a + b;
// 	},
// 	sub(a, b) {
// 		return a - b;
// 	},
// };

// console.log(math.sub(10, 2));

// this -> variable

// console.log('Hello World');

// this: browser -> window object
// this: server -> global object

// function helloWorldGreet() {
// 	console.log(this);
// }

// helloWorldGreet();

// const profile = {
// 	firstName: 'John',
// 	lastName: 'Doe',
// 	age: 30,
// 	greet() {
// 		console.log(this);
// 	},
// };

// profile.greet();

// const helloWorld = 'hello World';

// function greet() {
// 	console.log(
// 		`Hello, my name is ${this.firstName} ${this.lastName} and I am ${this.age} years old.`
// 	);
// }

// const profile1 = {
// 	firstName: 'John',
// 	lastName: 'Doe',
// 	age: 30,
// 	greet,
// };

// const profile2 = {
// 	firstName: 'Jane',
// 	lastName: 'Doe',
// 	age: 22,
// 	greet,
// };

// profile2.greet();
// profile1.greet();

// // Why is this useful?
// const user = {
// 	firstName: 'John',
// 	lastName: 'Doe',
// 	role: 'admin',
// 	fullName() {
// 		return `${this.firstName} ${this.lastName} is an ${this.role}`;
// 	},
// 	logDetails() {
// 		console.log(`${this.fullName()} and is cool!`);
// 	},
// };

// user.logDetails();
// // John Doe is an admin and is cool!

// const user = {
// 	firstName: 'John',
// 	lastName: 'Doe',
// 	role: 'admin',
// 	fullName() {
// 		return `${this.firstName} ${this.lastName} is an ${this.role}`;
// 	},
// 	logDetails: function () {
// 		console.log(`${this.fullName()} and is cool!`);
// 	},
// };

// const logDetails = user.logDetails;

// logDetails();

// user.logDetails();

// const hellos = {
// 	messages: [
// 		'hello world',
// 		'hello universe',
// 		'hello darkness',
// 		'hello hello',
// 		'heylo',
// 	],
// 	pickMsg() {
// 		const index = Math.floor(Math.random() * this.messages.length);
// 		return this.messages[index];
// 	},
// 	start() {
// 		setInterval(() => {
// 			// this -> hellos
// 			console.log(this.pickMsg());
// 		}, 1000);
// 	},
// };

// console.log(hellos.pickMsg());
// hellos.start();

const profile = {
	firstName: 'John',
	lastName: 'Doe',
	age: 20,
	greet: function () {
		// this -> profile


Scratchpad #11

// // const element = document.getElementById('special');
// // console.dir(element);

// // const paras = document.getElementsByTagName('p');
// // console.dir(paras);

// // const lis = document.getElementsByClassName('hello');
// // console.log(lis);

// // const myList = document.getElementById('myList');
// // const lis = myList.getElementsByClassName('hello');
// // console.log(lis);

// // const el = document.querySelectorAll('.special');
// // console.log(el);

// const p = document.querySelector('p');
// // console.dir(p.innerText);
// // console.dir(p.textContent);
// // console.dir(p.innerHTML);

// p.innerHTML = 'Hello <b>World</b>!';
// // p.innerText += ' Hello again.';

findUsersByName(firstName, middleName, lastName);

Sample data

const products = [
		id: 1,
		title: 'iPhone 9',
		description: 'An apple mobile which is nothing like apple',
		price: 549,
		discountPercentage: 12.96,
		rating: 4.69,
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		brand: 'Apple',
		category: 'smartphones',
		thumbnail: 'https://sample.com/data/products/1/thumbnail.jpg',
		images: [
		id: 2,
		title: 'iPhone X',
			'SIM-Free, Model A19211 6.5-inch Super Retina HD display with OLED technology A12 Bionic chip with ...',
		price: 899,
		discountPercentage: 17.94,
		rating: 4.44,
		stock: 34,
		brand: 'Apple',
		category: 'smartphones',
		thumbnail: 'https://sample.com/data/products/2/thumbnail.jpg',
		images: [
		id: 3,
		title: 'Samsung Universe 9',
			"Samsung's new variant which goes beyond Galaxy to the Universe",
		price: 1249,
		discountPercentage: 15.46,
		rating: 4.09,
		stock: 36,
		brand: 'Samsung',
		category: 'smartphones',
		thumbnail: 'https://sample.com/data/products/3/thumbnail.jpg',
		images: ['https://sample.com/data/products/3/1.jpg'],
		id: 4,
		title: 'OPPOF19',
		description: 'OPPO F19 is officially announced on April 2021.',
		price: 280,
		discountPercentage: 17.91,
		rating: 4.3,
		stock: 123,
		brand: 'OPPO',
		category: 'smartphones',
		thumbnail: 'https://sample.com/data/products/4/thumbnail.jpg',
		images: [
		id: 5,
		title: 'Huawei P30',
			'Huawei’s re-badged P30 Pro New Edition was officially unveiled yesterday in Germany and now the device has made its way to the UK.',
		price: 499,
		discountPercentage: 10.58,
		rating: 4.09,
		stock: 32,
		brand: 'Huawei',
		category: 'smartphones',
		thumbnail: 'https://sample.com/data/products/5/thumbnail.jpg',
		images: [
		id: 6,
		title: 'MacBook Pro',
			'MacBook Pro 2021 with mini-LED display may launch between September, November',
		price: 1749,
		discountPercentage: 11.02,
		rating: 4.57,
		stock: 83,
		brand: 'Apple',
		category: 'laptops',
		thumbnail: 'https://sample.com/data/products/6/thumbnail.png',
		images: [
		id: 7,
		title: 'Samsung Galaxy Book',
			'Samsung Galaxy Book S (2020) Laptop With Intel Lakefield Chip, 8GB of RAM Launched',
		price: 1499,
		discountPercentage: 4.15,
		rating: 4.25,
		stock: 50,
		brand: 'Samsung',
		category: 'laptops',
		thumbnail: 'https://sample.com/data/products/7/thumbnail.jpg',
		images: [
		id: 8,
		title: 'Microsoft Surface Laptop 4',
			'Style and speed. Stand out on HD video calls backed by Studio Mics. Capture ideas on the vibrant touchscreen.',
		price: 1499,
		discountPercentage: 10.23,
		rating: 4.43,
		stock: 68,
		brand: 'Microsoft Surface',
		category: 'laptops',
		thumbnail: 'https://sample.com/data/products/8/thumbnail.jpg',
		images: [
		id: 9,
		title: 'Infinix INBOOK',
			'Infinix Inbook X1 Ci3 10th 8GB 256GB 14 Win10 Grey – 1 Year Warranty',
		price: 1099,
		discountPercentage: 11.83,
		rating: 4.54,
		stock: 96,
		brand: 'Infinix',
		category: 'laptops',
		thumbnail: 'https://sample.com/data/products/9/thumbnail.jpg',
		images: [
		id: 10,
		title: 'HP Pavilion 15-DK1056WM',
			'HP Pavilion 15-DK1056WM Gaming Laptop 10th Gen Core i5, 8GB, 256GB SSD, GTX 1650 4GB, Windows 10',
		price: 1099,
		discountPercentage: 6.18,
		rating: 4.43,
		stock: 89,
		brand: 'HP Pavilion',
		category: 'laptops',
		thumbnail: 'https://sample.com/data/products/10/thumbnail.jpeg',
		images: [
		id: 11,
		title: 'perfume Oil',
			'Mega Discount, Impression of Acqua Di Gio by GiorgioArmani concentrated attar perfume Oil',
		price: 13,
		discountPercentage: 8.4,
		rating: 4.26,
		stock: 65,
		brand: 'Impression of Acqua Di Gio',
		category: 'fragrances',
		thumbnail: 'https://sample.com/data/products/11/thumbnail.jpg',
		images: [
		id: 12,
		title: 'Brown Perfume',
		description: 'Royal_Mirage Sport Brown Perfume for Men & Women - 120ml',
		price: 40,
		discountPercentage: 15.66,
		rating: 4,
		stock: 52,
		brand: 'Royal_Mirage',
		category: 'fragrances',
		thumbnail: 'https://sample.com/data/products/12/thumbnail.jpg',
		images: [
		id: 13,
		title: 'Fog Scent Xpressio Perfume',
			'Product details of Best Fog Scent Xpressio Perfume 100ml For Men cool long lasting perfumes for Men',
		price: 13,
		discountPercentage: 8.14,
		rating: 4.59,
		stock: 61,
		brand: 'Fog Scent Xpressio',
		category: 'fragrances',
		thumbnail: 'https://sample.com/data/products/13/thumbnail.webp',
		images: [
		id: 14,
		title: 'Non-Alcoholic Concentrated Perfume Oil',
			'Original Al Munakh® by Mahal Al Musk | Our Impression of Climate | 6ml Non-Alcoholic Concentrated Perfume Oil',
		price: 120,
		discountPercentage: 15.6,
		rating: 4.21,
		stock: 114,
		brand: 'Al Munakh',
		category: 'fragrances',
		thumbnail: 'https://sample.com/data/products/14/thumbnail.jpg',
		images: [
		id: 15,
		title: 'Eau De Perfume Spray',
			'Genuine  Al-Rehab spray perfume from UAE/Saudi Arabia/Yemen High Quality',
		price: 30,
		discountPercentage: 10.99,
		rating: 4.7,
		stock: 105,
		brand: 'Lord - Al-Rehab',
		category: 'fragrances',
		thumbnail: 'https://sample.com/data/products/15/thumbnail.jpg',
		images: [
		id: 16,
		title: 'Hyaluronic Acid Serum',
			"L'Oréal Paris introduces Hyaluron Expert Replumping Serum formulated with 1.5% Hyaluronic Acid",
		price: 19,
		discountPercentage: 13.31,
		rating: 4.83,
		stock: 110,
		brand: "L'Oreal Paris",
		category: 'skincare',
		thumbnail: 'https://sample.com/data/products/16/thumbnail.jpg',
		images: [
		id: 17,
		title: 'Tree Oil 30ml',
			'Tea tree oil contains a number of compounds, including terpinen-4-ol, that have been shown to kill certain bacteria,',
		price: 12,
		discountPercentage: 4.09,
		rating: 4.52,
		stock: 78,
		brand: 'Hemani Tea',
		category: 'skincare',
		thumbnail: 'https://sample.com/data/products/17/thumbnail.jpg',
		images: [
		id: 18,
		title: 'Oil Free Moisturizer 100ml',
			'Dermive Oil Free Moisturizer with SPF 20 is specifically formulated with ceramides, hyaluronic acid & sunscreen.',
		price: 40,
		discountPercentage: 13.1,
		rating: 4.56,
		stock: 88,
		brand: 'Dermive',
		category: 'skincare',
		thumbnail: 'https://sample.com/data/products/18/thumbnail.jpg',
		images: [
		id: 19,
		title: 'Skin Beauty Serum.',
			'Product name: rorec collagen hyaluronic acid white face serum riceNet weight: 15 m',
		price: 46,
		discountPercentage: 10.68,
		rating: 4.42,
		stock: 54,
		brand: 'ROREC White Rice',
		category: 'skincare',
		thumbnail: 'https://sample.com/data/products/19/thumbnail.jpg',
		images: [
		id: 20,
		title: 'Freckle Treatment Cream- 15gm',
			"Fair & Clear is Pakistan's only pure Freckle cream which helpsfade Freckles, Darkspots and pigments. Mercury level is 0%, so there are no side effects.",
		price: 70,
		discountPercentage: 16.99,
		rating: 4.06,
		stock: 140,
		brand: 'Fair & Clear',
		category: 'skincare',
		thumbnail: 'https://sample.com/data/products/20/thumbnail.jpg',
		images: [
		id: 21,
		title: '- Daal Masoor 500 grams',
		description: 'Fine quality Branded Product Keep in a cool and dry place',
		price: 20,
		discountPercentage: 4.81,
		rating: 4.44,
		stock: 133,
		brand: 'Saaf & Khaas',
		category: 'groceries',
		thumbnail: 'https://sample.com/data/products/21/thumbnail.png',
		images: [
		id: 22,
		title: 'Elbow Macaroni - 400 gm',
		description: 'Product details of Bake Parlor Big Elbow Macaroni - 400 gm',
		price: 14,
		discountPercentage: 15.58,
		rating: 4.57,
		stock: 146,
		brand: 'Bake Parlor Big',
		category: 'groceries',
		thumbnail: 'https://sample.com/data/products/22/thumbnail.jpg',
		images: [
		id: 23,
		title: 'Orange Essence Food Flavou',
			'Specifications of Orange Essence Food Flavour For Cakes and Baking Food Item',
		price: 14,
		discountPercentage: 8.04,
		rating: 4.85,
		stock: 26,
		brand: 'Baking Food Items',
		category: 'groceries',
		thumbnail: 'https://sample.com/data/products/23/thumbnail.jpg',
		images: [
		id: 24,
		title: 'cereals muesli fruit nuts',
			'original fauji cereal muesli 250gm box pack original fauji cereals muesli fruit nuts flakes breakfast cereal break fast faujicereals cerels cerel foji fouji',
		price: 46,
		discountPercentage: 16.8,
		rating: 4.94,
		stock: 113,
		brand: 'fauji',
		category: 'groceries',
		thumbnail: 'https://sample.com/data/products/24/thumbnail.jpg',
		images: [
		id: 25,
		title: 'Gulab Powder 50 Gram',
		description: 'Dry Rose Flower Powder Gulab Powder 50 Gram • Treats Wounds',
		price: 70,
		discountPercentage: 13.58,
		rating: 4.87,
		stock: 47,
		brand: 'Dry Rose',
		category: 'groceries',
		thumbnail: 'https://sample.com/data/products/25/thumbnail.jpg',
		images: [
		id: 26,
		title: 'Plant Hanger For Home',
			'Boho Decor Plant Hanger For Home Wall Decoration Macrame Wall Hanging Shelf',
		price: 41,
		discountPercentage: 17.86,
		rating: 4.08,
		stock: 131,
		brand: 'Boho Decor',
		category: 'home-decoration',
		thumbnail: 'https://sample.com/data/products/26/thumbnail.jpg',
		images: [
		id: 27,
		title: 'Flying Wooden Bird',
			'Package Include 6 Birds with Adhesive Tape Shape: 3D Shaped Wooden Birds Material: Wooden MDF, Laminated 3.5mm',
		price: 51,
		discountPercentage: 15.58,
		rating: 4.41,
		stock: 17,
		brand: 'Flying Wooden',
		category: 'home-decoration',
		thumbnail: 'https://sample.com/data/products/27/thumbnail.webp',
		images: [
		id: 28,
		title: '3D Embellishment Art Lamp',
			'3D led lamp sticker Wall sticker 3d wall art light on/off button  cell operated (included)',
		price: 20,
		discountPercentage: 16.49,
		rating: 4.82,
		stock: 54,
		brand: 'LED Lights',
		category: 'home-decoration',
		thumbnail: 'https://sample.com/data/products/28/thumbnail.jpg',
		images: [
		id: 29,
		title: 'Handcraft Chinese style',
			'Handcraft Chinese style art luxury palace hotel villa mansion home decor ceramic vase with brass fruit plate',
		price: 60,
		discountPercentage: 15.34,
		rating: 4.44,
		stock: 7,
		brand: 'luxury palace',
		category: 'home-decoration',
		thumbnail: 'https://sample.com/data/products/29/thumbnail.webp',
		images: [
		id: 30,
		title: 'Key Holder',
			'Attractive DesignMetallic materialFour key hooksReliable & DurablePremium Quality',
		price: 30,
		discountPercentage: 2.92,
		rating: 4.92,
		stock: 54,
		brand: 'Golden',
		category: 'home-decoration',
		thumbnail: 'https://sample.com/data/products/30/thumbnail.jpg',
		images: [

const users = [
		id: 1,
		firstName: 'Terry',
		lastName: 'Medhurst',
		maidenName: 'Smitham',
		age: 50,
		gender: 'male',
		email: 'atuny0@sohu.com',
		phone: '+63 791 675 8914',
		username: 'atuny0',
		password: '9uQFF1Lh',
		birthDate: '2000-12-25',
		image: 'https://robohash.org/hicveldicta.png',
		bloodGroup: 'A−',
		height: 189,
		weight: 75.4,
		eyeColor: 'Green',
		hair: {
			color: 'Black',
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		domain: 'slashdot.org',
		ip: '',
		address: {
			address: '1745 T Street Southeast',
			city: 'Washington',
			coordinates: {
				lat: 38.867033,
				lng: -76.979235,
			postalCode: '20020',
			state: 'DC',
		macAddress: '13:69:BA:56:A3:74',
		university: 'Capitol University',
		bank: {
			cardExpire: '06/22',
			cardNumber: '50380955204220685',
			cardType: 'maestro',
			currency: 'Peso',
			iban: 'NO17 0695 2754 967',
		company: {
			address: {
				address: '629 Debbie Drive',
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				postalCode: '37076',
				state: 'TN',
			department: 'Marketing',
			name: "Blanda-O'Keefe",
			title: 'Help Desk Operator',
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		ssn: '661-64-2976',
			'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/534.24 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/12.0.702.0 Safari/534.24',
		id: 2,
		firstName: 'Sheldon',
		lastName: 'Quigley',
		maidenName: 'Cole',
		age: 28,
		gender: 'male',
		email: 'hbingley1@plala.or.jp',
		phone: '+7 813 117 7139',
		username: 'hbingley1',
		password: 'CQutx25i8r',
		birthDate: '2003-08-02',
		image: 'https://robohash.org/doloremquesintcorrupti.png',
		bloodGroup: 'O+',
		height: 187,
		weight: 74,
		eyeColor: 'Brown',
		hair: {
			color: 'Blond',
			type: 'Curly',
		domain: '51.la',
		ip: '',
		address: {
			address: '6007 Applegate Lane',
			city: 'Louisville',
			coordinates: {
				lat: 38.1343013,
				lng: -85.6498512,
			postalCode: '40219',
			state: 'KY',
		macAddress: '13:F1:00:DA:A4:12',
		university: 'Stavropol State Technical University',
		bank: {
			cardExpire: '10/23',
			cardNumber: '5355920631952404',
			cardType: 'mastercard',
			currency: 'Ruble',
			iban: 'MD63 L6YC 8YH4 QVQB XHIK MTML',
		company: {
			address: {
				address: '8821 West Myrtle Avenue',
				city: 'Glendale',
				coordinates: {
					lat: 33.5404296,
					lng: -112.2488391,
				postalCode: '85305',
				state: 'AZ',
			department: 'Services',
			name: 'Aufderhar-Cronin',
			title: 'Senior Cost Accountant',
		ein: '52-5262907',
		ssn: '447-08-9217',
			'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/534.30 (KHTML, like Gecko) Ubuntu/11.04 Chromium/12.0.742.112 Chrome/12.0.742.112 Safari/534.30',
		id: 3,
		firstName: 'Terrill',
		lastName: 'Hills',
		maidenName: 'Hoeger',
		age: 38,
		gender: 'male',
		email: 'rshawe2@51.la',
		phone: '+63 739 292 7942',
		username: 'rshawe2',
		password: 'OWsTbMUgFc',
		birthDate: '1992-12-30',
		image: 'https://robohash.org/consequunturautconsequatur.png',
		bloodGroup: 'A−',
		height: 200,
		weight: 105.3,
		eyeColor: 'Gray',
		hair: {
			color: 'Blond',
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